Wire the discrete output
The discrete output can indicate the ow direction, transmitter zeroing in progress, pressure input failure, faults, event 1
or event 2. You can wire the discrete output to use internal or external power. See Micro Motion 9739 MVD Transmitters:
Conguration and Use Manual for more information on conguring the discrete output for events.
Use terminals 22 and 16 for the discrete output.
The discrete output, frequency/pulse output, and discrete input share terminal 16 as a common return.
• If wiring the discrete output to be internally powered, see Figure 5-9.
Figure 5-9 Wiring for discrete output (default configuration)
A RETURN (ground)
B CONTROL (signal line)
C Total load
• If wiring the discrete output to be externally powered, see Figure 5-10. For recommended resistor versus supply
voltage, see Figure 5-11.
Do not exceed 30 VDC input. Excessive current will damage the transmitter. Terminal current must be
less than 500 mA.