MITX-430/MITX-440-DVI-2E Installation and Use Guide (6806800K37B)
5.4 Setup Utility
The BIOS incorporates a setup utility that allows you to alter a variety of system options. This
section describes the operation of the utility by describing the various options available
through a set of hierarchical menus. Not all options are available with all products and some
depend on BIOS customizations.
The current settings are stored in the SPI FLASH NVRAM area and any changes can be copied
back to this area via the Exit menu.
To start the utility, press the F2 key during the early stages of POST after powerup. This
functionality operates with PS/2 keyboards, USB keyboards when enabled, and via the console
redirection facility when enabled.
Table 5-1 briefly describes the primary menus.
5.4.1 Main Menu
Table 5-1 Setup Utility
Menu Options
Main BIOS information and date and time.
Advanced Advanced features including ACPI, CPU, IDE, USB, HW
monitoring and serial port settings.
Chipset Features including Host Bridge and South Bridge.
Boot Boot mode and boot options.
Security Administrator's password.
Save & Exit Save with or without changes, load or save default settings,
and Boot Device Selection.
Table 5-2 Main Menu
Field Description
BIOS Vendor BIOS vendor name.
Core Version Aptio core version.