User Instructions UM1M820BNA
Spec No. 1M820BNA (Model M820B) Issue AH, March 4, 2013
Spec No. 1M820DNA (Model M820D)
Chapter 2. Operation 53
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Full Alarm Name - WEB
Alarm Name - LCD)
Cell High Resistance Alarm
(Cell HiRes Alm)
Battery cell high resistance alarm.
Cell High Intercell Resist
(Inter HiRes Alm)
Battery inter-cell high resistance
Cell High Ambient
Temp Alarm
(Cell HiAmb Alm)
Battery cell high ambient temperature
Temperature 1 Not Used
(Temp1 Not Used)
Temperature sensor #1 not used.
Temperature 24 Not Used
(Temp24 Not Used)
Temperature sensor #24 not used.
Battery Temperature Fault
(Batt Temp Fault)
Li-Ion battery internal temperature
sensor has failed.
Battery Current Fault
(Current Fault)
Li-Ion battery internal current
monitoring circuit has failed.
Battery Hardware Failure
(Hardware Fail)
Li-Ion battery hardware has failed.
Battery Over-Voltage
Li-Ion battery has over voltage
Check why battery voltage is high.
Battery Low-Voltage
Li-Ion battery has low voltage
Check why battery voltage is low.
Cell Volt Deviation
Li-Ion battery cell voltage deviation
Check why cell voltage has deviated.
Low Cell Voltage
(Lo Cell Volt)
Li-Ion battery has low cell voltage
Check why cell voltage is low.
High Cell Voltage
(Hi Cell Volt)
Li-Ion battery has high cell voltage
Check why cell voltage is high.
High Cell Temperature
(Hi Cell Temp)
Li-Ion battery has high cell
temperature condition.
Check why temperature is high.
High Switch DisTemp
Li-Ion battery has high switch
discharge temperature.
Check why temperature is high.
Charge Short Circuit
(Char ShortCirc)
Li-Ion battery has charge short circuit