Appendix C: Alarm Advisory Messages • C-3
Comb Temp Hi Limit Exceeded User The combined temperature of an entire Standard Cir-
cuit or Case Control Circuit has risen above its pro-
grammed high temperature setpoint.
Comb Temp Low Limit Exceeded User The combined temperature of an entire Standard Cir-
cuit or Case Control Circuit has fallen below its pro-
grammed low temperature setpoint.
Commission failed-chk network 50 Commission of Echelon controller failed; binding of
NV was not successful. Check the Echelon network.
Communication Port 1 Is Down 20 E2 cannot communicate with the RS232 port on the
E2 main board. The E2 main board likely needs
repair or replacement.
Communication Port 2 Is Down 20 E2 cannot communicate with the RS485 network port
on the E2 main board. The E2 main board likely
needs repair or replacement.
Communication Port 3 Is Down 20 E2 cannot communicate with the modem slot on the
E2. The E2 main board likely needs repair or replace-
Communication Port 4 Is Down 20 COM4 is used by service personnel to attach hard-
ware used in test or debug functions. This alarm indi-
cates the port that allows E2 to communicate with
these devices is faulty. The E2 board likely needs
repair or replacement.
Communication Port 6 is down 20 E2 cannot communicate with port 6 on the E2 main
Completed Firmware Update 50 The E2’s firmware was successfully updated.
Config Loss - Chg In Tmpl Rev. 15 Due to a difference between configuration templates
in a previous E2 version and templates in the current
version, configuration data could not be restored.
Config Loss-CRC Error 15 Due to an internal error, E2 has lost configuration
Config Loss-File CRC Error 15 Due to an internal error, E2 has lost configuration
Config Not Saved To Flash 20 E2 could not save configuration data to flash mem-
Controller (or Device) Absent From
20 The current E2 could not find the specified E2, I/O
board, or Echelon controller
Controller Reset 50 An ARTC/MultiFlex RTU has gone through a reset.
Controller Shutdown 50 The E2 has gone through a shutdown.
Controller Startup 50 The E2 has re-started after a shutdown.
Alarm Name