Guide Specifications
2.7 High Pressure Chilled Water Control Valve—Optional
The chilled water circuit shall include a 3-way (2-way) high pressure modulating valve. The valve
shall be designed for up to 400 PSI (2758 kPa) water pressure.
2.8 A-Frame Chilled Water Coil
The cooling coil shall be of A-frame design with a minimum of ____ sq. ft. (sq.m.) face area, ____ rows
The coil shall be controlled by a 3-way modulating control valve. It shall be constructed of copper
tubes and aluminum fins and have a maximum face velocity of ____ ft. per minute (m/s) at ____ CFM
The water circuit shall be designed to distribute water into the entire coil face area. The coil shall be
supplied with ____ °F (°C) entering water temperature, with a ____ °F (°C) temperature rise. The coil
shall require ____ GPM (l/s) of chilled water and the pressure drop shall not exceed ____ PSI (kPa).
The entire coil assembly shall be mounted in a stainless steel condensate drain pan.
For models CW106 and CW114, the end sheets shall be aluminum, and the coil can be removed from
the front or either side of the unit.
2.9 Flow Switch—Optional
The flow switch shall activate the alarm system should the chilled water supply be interrupted. The
switch shall be factory mounted and wired.
2.10 Variable Speed Drive—Optional
A variable speed drive (VSD) is available for models CW106 and CW114 to reduce energy consump-
tion. The fan motor speed shall be varied from 100% to 60% of rated speed in response to room condi-
tions. This shall be controlled automatically by the Liebert iCOM control. The variable speed drive
option shall be available with an infrared humidifier.
2.11 Optional Components
The computer room environmental control system shall be equipped with the following optional com-
2.11.1 Disconnect Switch—Non-Locking Type
The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted in the high voltage section of the electrical panel. The
switch shall be accessible with the door closed.
2.11.2 Disconnect Switch—Locking Type
The manual disconnect switch shall be mounted in the high voltage section of the electrical panel. The
switch shall be accessible from the outside of the unit with the door closed, and prevent access to the
high voltage electrical components until switched to the “OFF” position.
2.11.3 High Temp Stat
The high temp stat shall immediately shut down the environmental control system when activated.
The high temp stat shall be mounted in the electrical panel with the sensing element in the return
2.11.4 Condensate Pump, Dual Float
The condensate pump shall have a minimum capacity of 100 GPH at 20 ft. (378 l/hr at 6m) head.
(Consult factory for 200V or 230V, 50 Hz applications.) It shall be complete with integral float switch,
pump and motor assembly, and reservoir. Secondary float shall shut down unit if tripped.
2.11.5 Liebert Liqui-tect
Sensors (Max. of Two Per Unit)
Provide ____ (quantity) solid state water sensors under the raised floor.