To Dial A Number Stored In Caller ID Memory
1.) Press the UP or DOWN button until the desired number appears on the display.
2.) Pick up the handset and press the DIAL button. The display will show
3.) If the number can be dialed as it appears on the display without adding a “1”
before the area code, press the DIAL button again and the number is
automatically dialed. If the number requires the “1” prefix, press the UP button
once to add the number “1” and then press the DIAL button.
To Delete A Number from The Caller ID Memory
1.) Press the UP or DOWN button to select the number to be deleted.
2.) Press the DELETE button once. The display asks “DEL CALL?”
3.) Press the DELETE button once more to delete that caller’s number and name.
To Delete All Numbers From The Caller ID Memory
1.) Depress and hold the DELETE button until the display asks “REMOVE ALL?”.
2.) Press the DELETE button once more to delete all calls. The display will show
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