
System Management: IPMC Headers
10009109-01 ATCA-9305 User’s Manual
HPM.1 Reliable Field Upgrade Procedure
The HPM.1 upgrade procedure is managed by a utility called the Upgrade Agent. The
Impitool utility is used as an Upgrade Agent for upgrading the ATCA-9305 IPMC firmware.
The Upgrade Agent communicates with the IPMC firmware via the payload serial interface
or IPMC-0, and uses the AdvancedTCA commands that are described in the HPM.1 specifica-
tion for upgrading the firmware. Updated firmware is packed into an image formatted in
compliance with the HPM.1 specification. That image is used by Upgrade Agent to prepare
and upgrade the IPMC firmware. The HPM.1 upgrade procedure includes the following
Preparation: This step erases the region in the flash memory where the component image will be writ-
Component Upload: This step is designed to upload the component image via IPMB or payload interface and
write it into the flash memory.
Component Activation:This step activates the previously upgraded component. This step can be deferred and per-
formed later.
For more details, refer to the HPM.1 specification listed in
Ta bl e 1 - 2.
This JTAG header (JP1) is available for in-system programming of the CPLD.
Table 7-51: IPMP CPLD JP1 Pin Assignments
The EIA-232 debug serial port is accessible via the mini-B USB connector P4. Default port
settings are: 115200 baud (optional 9600), 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity, no flow control.
Table 7-52: IPMP EIA-232 P4 Pin Assignments
Pin: Signal: Direction: Pin: Signal:
1 CPLD_TCK out 2 ground
3 CPLD_TDI in 4 3_3V (fused)
5CPLD_TMSout 6
no connect
no connect —8no connect
9 CPLD_TDO out 10 ground
Pin: Signal: Pin: Signal:
1 no connect 2 IPMP_RS_232_Rx
3 IPMP_RS_232_Tx 4
no connect
5ground 6ground