INSTALLATION (continued)
1 --- 7
these lights
Pressfor 15Sec.
Figure 1-14. Standard controls and indicators.
2 --- Vo l t a g e C h e c k s
First check the nameplate on the transfer switch; the
rated voltage must be the same as the normal and
emergency line voltages.
Verify that the feeders have been
connected to the proper terminal lugs.
to measure voltages. Do not touch power
terminals; shock, burns, or death could resul t !
Performsteps 1 through6 at the right. Observe thestatus
lights. See Figure 1–14.
● Black circle means light is on.
❍ White circle means light is off.
* If necessary, adjust the voltage regulator on the
generator according to the manufacturer’s recommenda-
tions. The a utomatic transfer switch will respond only to
Note: Refer to Section 3 of the Group 5 Controller
User’s Guide 381333–126 for how to display the status of
the ATS and the voltage and freq uency of each source.
Note: Press the Lamp Test button to verify that all five
lights work.
Now continue to 3 --- Elec tr ic al Operati on on next page.
Close the normal source (utility)
circuit breaker. Two two left
lights should come on. The
normal source Accepted (upper
left) and the Transfer Switch
Position connected to normal
(lower left) lights should be on.
Carefully use an accurate
voltmeter to check the phase to
phase and phase to neutral
voltages present at the transfer
switch normal source terminals.
Close the emergency source
(generator) circuit breaker.
(Start generator, if necessary.)
Another light should come on.
The emergency source
Accepted light (upper right)
should be on.
Carefully use an accurate
voltmeter to check the phase to
phase and phase to neutral
voltages present at the transfer
switch emergency source
meter to check the phase
rotation of the emergency
source; it must be the same
the phase rotation of the normal
source (refer to wiring diagram).
Shut down the generator, if
applicable. The emergency
source Accepted light (upper
right) should go off. Then set
the generator’s starting control
switch to automatic.Removeall
meters; close enclosure door.