INSTALLATION (continued)
1 --- 2
Engine Starting Contacts
All customer connections, including the engine control
contact connections, are located on terminal block TB
which is mounted on the top right side of the
enclosure. Refer to the wiring diagram provided with
the automatic transfer switch and connect the engine
start wires to the appropriate terminals. See Figure
1–1 and Table A.
Table A. Engine start connections.
When normal source
Terminal s on
Terminal Bl ock TB
contact closes TB1 and TB2
contact opens TB1 and TB3
Note: To temporarily disable engine control from
the automatic transfer switch you can unplug J3
from the small P3 receptacle at the bottom of the
assembly. BesuretoreconnectplugJ3totheP3
receptacle for automatic transfer switch operation.
Auxiliary Circuits
Connect auxiliary circuit wires to appropriate terminals
on transfer switch terminal block T B a s shown on the
wiring diagram provided wit h this automatic transfer
engine start
block TB
Figure 1-1. Customer terminal block on the top right
side of the enclosure.
Functional Test
The Functional Test consists of t hree checks:
S 1 — Manual Operation Test, page 1–3
S 2—VoltageChecks,page1–4
S 3 — Electrical Operation, page 1–5
Do these checks in the order presented to
avoid damaging the automatic transfer switch.
Read all instructions on the Wiring Diagram and labels
affixed to the automatic transfer switch. Note the
control features that are provided and review their
operation before proceeding.
Continue to 1–ManualOperationTest on next page.