
NetSure™ ITM with eSure™ Technology
Installation Manual, Section 6040 (Issue AB, April 8, 2013)
Spec. No: 582145500
Section 6040
Model: NetSure™ ITM Issue AB, April 8, 2013
4.0 E
The DC UPS system requires grounding, DC output distribution, AC input power, alarm/control, and
battery wiring once it has been mechanically installed.
If the system consists of multiple DC UPS modules, battery and ground/return busbars must be
interconnected and alarm/control interconnect wiring between modules must be made.
4.1 Wiring Information and Guidelines
4.1.1 Cable Lengths (Floor or Cabinet Top to Connection Point Inside DC UPS Module)
To help calculate the total cable length required, refer to Table 2 for the distance from the floor or
cabinet top to selected connection points inside the DC UPS module. Determine the cable length
required to reach the DC UPS module, then add the appropriate length from the table and adequate
slack for repair and maintenance.
4.1.2 Recommended Wire Sizes, Recommended Lugs, and Torque Requirements
The main factors affecting the choice and size of wires are voltage, current (also taking into account
overcurrent), room temperature, and installation conditions.
The power cables of the system must be sized with respect to the following:
AC Input Cables - The AC input cables must be sized for the module’s maximum input current.
DC Output Distribution Cables - The DC output distribution cables must be sized for the
module’s output breakers or fuses.
Battery Cables - The DC UPS module contains a battery compartment. Battery cables are
factory supplied and sized accordingly.
Refer to Termination Type, Recommended Wire Size, Recommended Lugs on page 59 for
recommended wire sizes and recommended lugs. Refer to the illustrations in this section for torque
4.1.3 Wiring Guidelines
The following are guidelines only and are superseded by the NEC and applicable local codes where
The grounding cable connecting the DC UPS module to the main ground system must follow the
most direct route possible.
Consider using paralleled smaller cables for heavy currents—this can ease installation.
Table 2 Distance to Connection Points inside the DC UPS Module
Connection Point
inside DC UPS
Distance - Bottom
DC Distribution Feed Module
Distance - Top
DC Distribution Feed Module
From Floor
in. (mm)
From Top of Module
in. (mm)
From Floor
in. (mm)
From Top of Module
in. (mm)
AC Input 79 (2000) 138 (3500) 157 (4000) 59 (1500)
DC Output 28 (700) N/A N/A 28 (700)
Grounding 79 (2000) 138 (3500) 157 (4000) 59 (1500)
Alarm/Control 59 (1500) N/A N/A 47 (1200)
The above referenced section gives nominal currents for determining the size of DC UPS
module power cables. Other important factors to consider include cable route length and
coordination with protective devices.