
Thin Web Server Warnings
© ASCO Power Technologies, L.P. 2008 Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
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The ASCO 5500 Catalog A5510 Thin Web Server (TWS) provides real-time
monitoring and control of ASCO Automatic Transfer Switches and engine-
generator sets over the Internet or an Intranet. These precautions must be
followed by all users:
Be sure that Users to whom you give access are knowledgeable
enough to have control of load transfer and of the generator.
Verify that conditions are safe for load transfer before you
transfer or retransfer an Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS).
Fill in the Communication Address Forms in the back of this
manual. Be sure that you enter correct information about each
Automatic Transfer Switch and Power Manager and that address
recorded on the Communication Address Forms corresponds with
the address set in the ATS’s Controller and Power Manager.