UPS Interconnection Kits
Appendix A.4 Installing the Liebert FS With a Liebert Series 300 UPS
The Liebert Series 300 UPS interconnection kit for the Liebert FS is compatible with the Liebert
Series 300 models in Table 25.
Figure 100 Liebert Series 300 UPS
Appendix A.4.1 Description - Liebert Series 300 UPS Interconnection Kit
The Liebert Series 300 UPS interconnection kit for the Liebert FS is composed of:
DC Power Interface
One Thermal-Magnetic Molded Case circuit breaker rated for 250 ADC - 600VDC equipped with:
• An undervoltage relay (UVR) rated for 24VDC, 50 mA
• Auxiliary contacts: Normally Open (NO) and Normally Closed (NC).
Status/Control Interface
One status/control terminal Block used to ensure the status/control connections between the
Liebert FS and the Liebert Series 300.
Table 25 List of Liebert Series 300 models ratings
UPS Output Rating
kVA 10 15 20 30 40 50 65 75 100 125
kW 8 12 16 24 32 40 52 60 80 100