System Management Interface Based on HPI-B (Centellis 4620) User’s Guide (6806800D85A)
Using HPI-B Adding and Removing Shelves and Domains
Alternatively, you can use the Shelf Management Resources defined in the default domain. Any
shelves that were added to the HPI environment are represented by one Shelf Management
Resource with the entry ResourceCapability set to SAHPI_CAPABILITY_DOMAIN. So in order
to discover shelves/domains, you simply need to parse the default domain for HPI resources
with the entry ResourceCapability set to SAHPI_CAPABILITY_DOMAIN. Then you can obtain
the respective domain ID by reading the entry DomainId and open a session to the shelf using
the obtained domain ID.
4.3.5 Adding and Removing Shelves and Domains
All shelves which are used by the HPI multishelf library are listed in the multishelf library
configuration file. There are two ways of adding and removing shelves:
z Manually by editing the multishelf configuration file. Changes become effective after the
next restart in this case.
z Dynamically by using the HPI domain management control
For a description of how to manually edit the multishelf library configuration file, refer to
Configuring HPI Clients on page 20.
A description of how to dynamically add and remove shelves, is given in the following two
subsections. Adding Shelves and Domains
In order to dynamically add a shelf and create a domain, you must invoke the HPI function
saHpiControlStateSet() and provide the following parameters.
Parameter Value
SessionId Handle to session context.
ResourceId Resource ID of the addressed resource.
CtrlNum Number of the control for which the state is
being set.
CtrlState Pointer to control state as described in Table
"Domain Management Control State" on page 29.
In this control state, fill the field body as follows:,
[0] : 1 (stands for "create domain")
[1] - [4] : IP address of shelf you want to add (little
endian order)
[5] - [6] : port of shelf (little endian order)
[7] - [n] : Domain name