1.3 Major Components
The following is a general description of each compo-
nent and its functions. Please review this section
carefully, as it will give you a better understanding as
to how the Nfinity operates.
1.3.1 Unit Frame
The front of the Nfinity consists of a series of plastic
bezels. By grasping these bezels from the left and
right sides and pulling straight out, you can remove
the bezel to reveal the Battery / Power Module bays.
The bottom bezel covers the internal cooling fans and
the manual bypass switch.
The User Interface Module is located above the
Power / Battery Module bays for easy access. By mov-
ing the User Interface and setting it on top of the
frame, you will see the system control module bays.
1.3.2 User Interface Module
The User Interface Module is the primary source of
communication between the UPS and the user. From
the interface, the user can:
• View the status of the UPS
• Custom configure the system
• Review the event log to assist with
• Enable/disable the output power
• Silence the audible alarm
• Manually transfer the unit to bypass
For a more detailed explanation on how to operate the
User Interface Module, see 3.1 - Controls and Indi-
1.3.3 System Control Module
The System Control Module is the communications
backbone of the UPS. It gathers input from all mod-
ules and processes the data to control the operation of
the system — including monitoring the condition of
each module. An optional redundant System Control
Module can be installed to provide full system func-
tionality (operation and communication).
Under normal operation, the Status LED (green) will
blink and the Fault LED (yellow) will be off. For any
condition other than this, check 4.0 - Troubleshoot-
In the figure at right, the Power Module and
Battery Module are extended for illustration
purposes only. Extending more than one
module at a time could cause the unit to be
top-heavy and/or tip.
Nfinity’s frame
with bezels removed
User Interface Module
Fault LED
Status LED
System Control Module