Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action
No HeaNo Hea
No HeaNo Hea
No Hea
t/No Cool/No Ft/No Cool/No F
t/No Cool/No Ft/No Cool/No F
t/No Cool/No F
an 1. Blown fuse or tripped circuit breaker. Replace fuse or reset breaker.
(common problems)(common problems)
(common problems)(common problems)
(common problems) 2. Furnace power switch to OFF. Turn switch to ON.
3. Furnace blower compartment door or Replace door panel in proper position to engage
panel loose or not properly installed. safety interlock or door switch.
No HeaNo Hea
No HeaNo Hea
No Hea
t 1. System Switch not set to Heat. Set System Switch to Heat and raise setpoint
above room temperature.
2. Loose connection to thermostat or system. Verify thermostat and system wires are securely
3. Heating System requires service or Diagnostic: Set System Switch to Heat and raise
thermostat requires replacement. the setpoint above room temperature. Within a five
minutes the thermostat should make a soft click
sound. This sound usually indicates the thermostat
is operating properly. If the thermostat does not
click, try the reset operation listed above. If the
thermostat does not click after being reset contact
your heating and cooling service person or place
of purchase for a replacement. If the thermostat
clicks, contact the furnace manufacturer or a
service person to verify the heating system is
operating correctly.
No CoolNo Cool
No CoolNo Cool
No Cool 1. System Switch not set to Cool. Set System Switch to Cool and lower setpoint
below room temperature.
2. Loose connection to thermostat or system. Verify thermostat and system wires are securely
3. Cooling System requires service or thermostat Same procedure as diagnostic for No Heat
requires replacement. condition except set the thermostat to Cool and
lower the setpoint below the room temperature.
There may be up to a five minute delay before
the thermostat clicks in Cooling if the compressor
lock-out option is selected in the configuration
menu (Item 7).
Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly.Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly.
Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly.Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly.
Heat, Cool or Fan Runs Constantly. 1. Possible short in wiring. Check each wire connection to verify they are
2. Possible short in thermostat. not shorted or touching together. No bare wire
3. Possible short in Heat/Cool/Fan system. should stick out from under terminal screws. Try
4. Fan Switch set to Fan On. resetting the thermostat as described below.
If the condition persists, the manufacturer of
your system or service person can instruct you
on how to test the Heat/Cool system for correct
operation. If the system operates correctly,
replace the thermostat.
Furnace Cycles Too Fast or Too SlowFurnace Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow
Furnace Cycles Too Fast or Too SlowFurnace Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow
Furnace Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow 1. The location of the thermostat and/or the size Item 2 in the Configuration Menu is the adjustment
(narrow or wide temperature swing)(narrow or wide temperature swing)
(narrow or wide temperature swing)(narrow or wide temperature swing)
(narrow or wide temperature swing) of the Heating System may be influencing the that controls the cycle rate. If an acceptable cycle
cycle rate. rate is not achieved using the FA (Fast) or SL
(Slow) adjustment contact a local service person
for additional suggestions.
Cooling Cycles Too Fast or Too SlowCooling Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow
Cooling Cycles Too Fast or Too SlowCooling Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow
Cooling Cycles Too Fast or Too Slow 1. The location of the thermostat and/or the size The cycle rate for cooling is fixed and can not be
(narrow or wide temperature swing)(narrow or wide temperature swing)
(narrow or wide temperature swing)(narrow or wide temperature swing)
(narrow or wide temperature swing) of the Cooling System may be influencing the adjusted. Contact a local service person for
cycle rate. suggestions.
Thermostat Setting and ThermometerThermostat Setting and Thermometer
Thermostat Setting and ThermometerThermostat Setting and Thermometer
Thermostat Setting and Thermometer 1. Thermostat thermometer setting requires The thermometer can be adjusted +/- 4 degrees as
Disagree adjustment. listed in item 8 of the Configuration Menu. No other
adjustment is possible.
Clock Loses or Gains TimeClock Loses or Gains Time
Clock Loses or Gains TimeClock Loses or Gains Time
Clock Loses or Gains Time 1. Loss of power to thermostat. The thermostat will maintain its program in memory
even with no power but the clock time will be
incorrect when power is restored. See No
Heat/No Cool/No Fan (common problems) above
for items to check in the system.
Heat or Cool Starts EarlyHeat or Cool Starts Early
Heat or Cool Starts EarlyHeat or Cool Starts Early
Heat or Cool Starts Early 1. EMR activated See Configuration Menu (Item 5).
Thermostat Does Not Follow ProgramThermostat Does Not Follow Program
Thermostat Does Not Follow ProgramThermostat Does Not Follow Program
Thermostat Does Not Follow Program 1. AM or PM set incorrectly in program. Check current clock and program settings including
2. AM or PM set incorrectly on the clock. the AM or PM designations for each time period.
3. Voltage spike or static discharge. If a voltage spike or static discharge occurs use the
Reset Operation listed above.
Blank Display and/or Keypad NotBlank Display and/or Keypad Not
Blank Display and/or Keypad NotBlank Display and/or Keypad Not
Blank Display and/or Keypad Not 1. Voltage Spike or Static Discharge. If a voltage spike or static discharge occurs use the
Responding Reset Operation listed above.
Reset Operation
If a voltage spike or static discharge blanks out the display or
causes erratic thermostat operation, reset the thermostat by
pressing the reset switch (see Fig 1). If the thermostat has
power, has been reset and still does not function correctly
contact your heating/cooling service person or place of pur-