2.1 Initial Inspections
1. While the Liebert
and ancillary cabinets are still on the truck, inspect the equipment and
shipping container for any signs of damage or mishandling. Do not attempt to install the system if
damage is apparent. If any damage is noted, file a damage claim with the shipping agency
immediately and contact Liebert Services at 1-800-LIEBERT to inform them of the damage claim
and the condition of the equipment.
2. Compare the contents of the shipment with the bill of lading. Report any missing items to the
carrier and your local Emerson representative immediately.
3. Check the product label on the back of front door and confirm the contents match the UPS model,
capacity and main parameters that were ordered.
2.1.1 Storing for Delayed Installation
If the equipment will not be installed immediately, it must be stored indoors where the humidity is no
higher than 90% and the temperature is no higher than 104°F (40°C). The storage area must protect
the Liebert APM from excessive moisture (see 11.2 - UPS Environmental).
2.2 Preliminary Checks
2.2.1 Identification
The equipment supplied has an identification tag on the back of the main door listing the type and
size of the UPS.
2.3 UPS Location
2.3.1 Positioning the UPS
Choose a location for the UPS that offers:
• Easy connection to inputs, outputs and auxiliary equipment
• Enough space to service the UPS
• Air circulation sufficient to expel heat produced by UPS
• Protection against moisture and excessive humidity
• Protection against dust and other particulate matter
• Compliance with fire prevention regulations and practices
• Operating environment temperature of 74-80°F (23-27°C) for maximum battery efficiency
If the UPS must remain disconnected from power for more than six (6) months, the batteries
(if so equipped) must be recharged before use. To charge the batteries, the unit must be
connected to utility power and started up—the charger operates only while the Liebert APM
is operating.
When batteries are installed in the UPS or are cabinet-mounted adjacent to the UPS, the
battery—not the UPS—dictates the designed maximum ambient temperature.