
20 SM-EtherCAT User Guide
www.controltechniques.com Issue Number: 2
<index> : A signed 16-bit number. This is the index of the object dictionary
entry specified in four hexadecimal characters.
<access> : A value describing how the object may be accessed (RW = read/
write, RO = read-only and WO = write-only).
<size> : The size of the object/sub-index in bytes.
<unit> : The physical unit (e.g. ms, counts per second etc.).
6.1.1 CoE communication area
The first set of objects specify general communication settings.
Table 6.4 Device type object
0x1000 Device type
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 4 bytes Unit: N/A
Default: 0x00030192
Description: The primary CoE functional profile is DSP-402, the value of the object is defined as follows:
Bits 0 to 15 (Device profile number): 402 (0x192)
Bit 16 (Frequency converter): x
Bit 17 (Servo drive): y
Bit 18 (Stepper motor): 0
Bit 24 (DC drive - manufacturer specific : z
Bits 25 to 31 (Manufacturer specific): 0
This value will depend on the drive operating mode and/or type. On a Unidrive SP in open-
loop or closed-loop mode or a Mentor MP in closed-loop mode, bit 16 will be set, while bits
17 and 24 will be cleared. On a Unidrive SP in Servo mode or a Digitax ST, bit 17 will be
set, while bits 16 and 24 will be cleared.
Table 6.5 Identity object
0x1018 Identity object
Sub-index 0
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 1 byte Unit: N/A
Default: 4
Description: The number of the last sub-index in this object.
Sub-index 1
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 4 bytes Unit: N/A
Default: 0x000000F9
Description: This contains the EtherCAT Technology Group vendor ID for Control Techniques
Sub-index 2
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 4 bytes Unit: N/A
Default: See Pr MM.01.
Description: This has the value of the option ID code.
Sub-index 3
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 4 bytes Unit: N/A
Default: High word: Pr MM.02. Low word: Pr MM.51.
Description: Contains the option module software version number (the major and minor version
parameter are placed in the high word of this object, and the sub-version parameter is the
low word).
Sub-index 4
Access: RO Range: N/A Size: 4 bytes Unit: N/A
Default: See Pr MM.35.
Description: Contains the option hardware serial number.