ELK-M1XEP Installation Manual
Page 7
1.6. As previously discussed, the M1XEP is factory defaulted to DHCP, which means that it expects to be assigned a
“dynamic” IP address. Be aware that a “dynamic” IP address can periodically change for many reasons, including a
power down/up cycle. This is OK if you are utilizing DDNS service (see step 6 on page 9). However, you may
optionally assign the M1XEP a permanent “static” address, if permitted by the network. This will also involve setting
values for subnet mask, default gateway, and primary DNS server. These settings can be obtained from your
network administrator or Internet service provider.
Note: If the M1XEP is programmed with a static IP address, and later changed to obtain a dynamic IP
address from a DHCP server, it will revert back to the last programmed static IP address if it fails to
obtain a dynamic IP address from the DHCP server after 1 minute. If a static IP address has not been
programmed and the M1XEP cannot obtain a dynamic IP address from a DHCP server it will default
to an IP address of
1.7. Some third party devices use a TCP or non-secure port for standard (unencrypted) communications on the local
network. If this port is needed, select “Enable Non-Secure Port" and enter the appropriate port number. Values
between 1024 and 49151 are valid. The recommended (default) port is 2101. This port should not be mapped
outside the local network, for security reasons. If the port is not needed, it should be disabled.
1.8. ElkRP and some third party devices use a SSL or secure port for encrypted communications. Enter the
appropriate value for the secure port. Values between 1024 and 49151 are valid. The recommended (default) port
is 2601. If you intend to access the Control through the Internet, this port should be mapped (port forwarded) to
outside the local network via a router.
1.5. Once connected, click the 'M1XEP Setup' button once again to continue the configuration. Click the 'TCP/IP
Settings' tab. At the top, a device name of up to 16 characters may be entered. This name is used only during
subsequent “Find” processes to quickly identify an M1XEP when there are more than one on the same network.
Send the changes by clicking the send button located at the bottom of the setup screen. You may receive a
message that informs you that the changes will cause the M1XEP to reconfigure itself, and it must be rebooted
after the send is complete. Click 'Yes' on this screen. The send process may take up to a minute. Once the
process is complete, you will receive a message that the M1XEP will reboot. Click 'OK'. You must reboot the
M1XEP before the changes will take effect. The reboot will take up to 2 minutes. A connection with the M1XEP
cannot be re-established until the reboot process is complete. Click 'Save Account' under the "File" menu to save
the changes to the database.
1.4. Before continuing with the setup and configuration, you must connect to the Control over the network.
a. Verify that the URL/IP and Port setting are correct on the "Account Details" screen.
b. Make sure the "RP Access Code" is set to the correct value programmed into the control. (default=246801)
c. From the RP Connection Menu, choose the "Network" method.
If everything is setup correctly, ElkRP should now connect to the control through the M1XEP.
2. Send Changes to the M1XEP and Save