The most commonly used technique for painting a wall is the ‘crisscross’ technique, i.e. you apply
the product in horizontal lines and then cross over these lines by applying the product in
vertical lines; (Fig. 3)
Vertical Spray
Horizontal Spray
Round Spray
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Let go of the trigger at the
end of each spray
movement to avoid
excessive paint and drips
Horizontal and Vertical Spray
Vertical and Horizontal for normal sized jobs (Fig.2)
Round Spray
Round for small and precise jobs
1) Adjust the Air Cap to obtain a Vertical spray, then pull the Trigger
and move your arm across to the right.
2) When you get to the end of the line, release the Trigger for a
moment and then apply the product in the opposite direction just
beneath the line you have sprayed.
3)Proceed in this manner applying the product in Horizontal lines one
underneath the other.
4)Next, adjust the Air Cap to obtain a Horizontal spray and apply the
product in horizontal lines over the lines you have just sprayed.
Release the trigger to avoid overspraying which will cause the product to run.
Cross over the horizontal lines (spayed with a Vertical pattern) with vertical lines (sprayed with a
Horizontal pattern). Only the fore arm must move not the wrist.