SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
B.Configuration Constants
Query Codes
Name Value Description
APIMAJOR 1 Query EDRE API major version number.
APIMINOR 2 Query EDRE API minor version number.
APIBUILD 3 Query EDRE API build version number.
APIOS 4 Query EDRE API OS type.
APINUMDEV 5 Query number of devices installed.
BRDTYPE 10 Query a board’s type.
BRDREV 11 Query a board’s revision.
BRDYEAR 12 Query a board’s manufactured year.
BRDMONTH 13 Query a board’s manufactured month.
BRDDAY 14 Query a board’s manufactured day.
BRDSERIALNO 15 Query a board’s serial number.
DRVMAJOR 20 Query a driver’s major version number.
DRVMINOR 21 Query a driver’s minor version number.
DRVBUILD 22 Query a driver’s build version number.
ADNUMCHAN 100 Query number of ADC channel.
ADNUMSH 101 Query number of samples-and-hold channels.
ADMAXFREQ 102 Query maximum sampling frequency.
ADBUSY 103 Check if ADC system is busy.
ADFIFOSIZE 104 Get ADC hardware FIFO size.
ADFIFOOVER 105 Check for FIFO overrun condition.
ADBUFFSIZE 106 Check software buffer size.
ADBUFFOVER 107 Check for circular buffer overrun.
ADBUFFALLOC 108 Check if software buffer is allocated.
ADUNREAD 109 Get number of samples available.
ADEXTCLK 110 Get status of external clock line – PCI30FG.
ADEXTTRIG 111 Get status of external trigger line – PCI30FG.
ADBURST 112 Check if burst mode is enabled.
ADRANGE 113 Get ADC range.
ADNUMTMP 140 Number of temperature channels
ADAMBCHAN 141 Get Ambient Channel
DANUMCHAN 200 Query number of DAC channels.
DAMAXFREQ 201 Query maximum DAC output frequency.
DABUSY 202 Check if DAC system is busy.
CTNUM 300 Query number of counter-timer channels.
CTBUSY 301 Check if counter-timer system is busy.
DIONUMPORT 400 Query number of digital I/O ports.
DIOQRYPORT 401 Query a specific port for capabilities.
DIOPORTWIDTH 402 Get a specific port’s width.
INTNUMSRC 500 Query number of interrupts sources.
INTSTATUS 501 Queries interrupt system’s status.
INTBUSCONNECT 502 Connect interrupt system to bus.
INTISAVAILABLE 503 Check if an interrupt is available.
INTNUMTRIG 504 Check number times interrupted
SRLGETBAUD 700 Query the baud rate of the serial device
SRLSETBAUD 701 Change baud rate of the serial device
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