SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
Programming Interrupts
The interrupt sub-system is totally programmable and includes functions to configure, enable
and disable interrupts.
Configuring the Interrupt sub-system
A single call is necessary to configure the interrupt sub-system.
Long EDREIntX.IntConfigure(long Source, long Mode, long Type)
Parameter Type Description
Source long
0 Counter 0
1 Counter 1
2 Counter 2
3 Counter 3
4 Counter 4
5 Counter 5
Mode long Disable or Enable a source
0 : Disable
1 : Enable
Type long Set the type of trigger for the interrupt
No Description
0 Rising Edge
1 Falling Edge
RETURN Long This parameter contains the error code return. If =0 then no
error occurred.
Table 4-6 EDREIntX.Configure Parameters
Enabling Interrupts
A single call is necessary to enable the interrupt sub-system.
Long EDREIntX.Enable
A returned error code will contain the status of the call.
Disabling Interrupts
A single call is necessary to disable the interrupt sub-system.
Long EDREIntX.Disable
A returned error code will contain the status of the call.
Interrupt Event
If interrupts are enabled an event will occur on each interrupt. The interrupt control’s interrupt
event will be triggered. The source of the interrupt will also be passed to the event handler.
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