SERIAL Digital I/O Series User Manual Eagle Technology - Data Acquisition
Error Codes
Name Value Description
EDRE_OK 0 Function successfully.
EDRE_FAIL -1 Function call failed.
EDRE_BAD_FN -2 Invalid function call.
EDRE_BAD_SN -3 Invalid serial number.
EDRE_BAD_DEVICE -4 Invalid device.
EDRE_BAD_OS -5 Function not supported by operating system.
EDRE_EVENT_FAILED -6 Wait on event failed.
EDRE_EVENT_TIMEOUT -7 Event timed out.
EDRE_INT_SET -8 Interrupt in use.
EDRE_DA_BAD_RANGE -9 DAC value out of range.
EDRE_AD_BAD_CHANLIST -10 Channel list size out of range.
EDRE_BAD_FREQUECY -11 Frequency out of range.
EDRE_BAD_BUFFER_SIZE -12 Data passed by buffer incorrectly sized
EDRE_BAD_PORT -13 Port value out of range.
EDRE_BAD_PARAMETER -14 Invalid parameter value specified.
EDRE_BUSY -15 System busy.
EDRE_IO_FAIL -16 IO call failed.
EDRE_BAD_ADGAIN -17 ADC-gain out of range.
EDRE_BAD_QUERY -18 Query value not supported.
EDRE_BAD_CHAN -19 Channel number out of range.
EDRE_BAD_VALUE -20 Configuration value specified out of range.
EDRE_BAD_CT -21 Counter-timer channel out of range.
EDRE_BAD_CHANLIST -22 Channel list invalid.
EDRE_BAD_CONFIG -23 Configuration invalid.
EDRE_BAD_MODE -24 Mode not valid.
EDRE_HW_ERROR -25 Hardware error occurred.
EDRE_HW_BUSY -26 Hardware busy.
EDRE_BAD_BUFFER -27 Buffer invalid.
EDRE_REG_ERROR -28 Registry error occurred.
EDRE_OUT_RES -29 Out of resources.
EDRE_IO_PENDING -30 Waiting on I/O completion
Digital I/O Codes
Name Value Description
DIOOUT 0 Port is an output.
DIOIN 1 Port is an input.
DIOINOROUT 2 Port can be configured as in or out.
DIOINANDOUT 3 Port is an input and an output.
Baud Rate Codes
Name Value Description
BAUDRATE_300 0 Serial Device baud rate is 300 baud.
BAUDRATE_1200 1 Serial Device baud rate is 1200 baud.
BAUDRATE_2400 2 Serial Device baud rate is 2400 baud.
BAUDRATE_4800 3 Serial Device baud rate is 4800 baud.
BAUDRATE_9600 4 Serial Device baud rate is 9600 baud.
BAUDRATE_19200 5 Serial Device baud rate is 19200 baud.
BAUDRATE_28800 6 Serial Device baud rate is 28800 baud.
BAUDRATE_38400 7 Serial Device baud rate is 38400 baud.
BAUDRATE_57600 8 Serial Device baud rate is 57600 baud.
BAUDRATE_115200 9 Serial Device baud rate is 115200 baud.
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