3.1.3 Network Settings
Displays and congures network settings.
Item Description
Common Setup
Displays information common to both wireless and wired LAN.
Projector Name
Congures the name of the projector.
The length of the Projector Name can be up to 64
alphanumeric characters. Only alphabets, numbers and
following symbols can be used.
!"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~ and space.
Particular projector name is pre-assigned by default.
sysLocation (SNMP)
Congures the location to be referred to when using SNMP.
The length of the sysLocation can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can
be used.
sysContact (SNMP)
Congures the contact information to be referred to when
using SNMP.
The length of the sysContact can be up to 255 alphanumeric
characters. Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can
be used.
(AMX Device
Congures the AMX Device Discovery setting to detect the
projector from the controllers of AMX connected to the same
network. For the details of AMX Device Discovery, visit the
AMX web site.
URL: http://www.amx.com (as of Dec. 2011)
(continued on next page)
3. Web Control
3.1 Projector Web Control (continued)