3.1.9 Security Settings
Displays and congures passwords and other
security settings.
Item Description
User Account Congures the user name and password.
User name
Congures the user name.
The length of the text can be up to 32 alphanumeric
Congures the password.
The length of the text can be up to 255 alphanumeric
Re-enter Password Reenter the above password for verication.
Network Control
Congures the Authentication password for Network Control
Port1 (Port: 23), Network Control Port2 (Port: 9715),
PJLink™ Port (Port: 4352), My Image Port (Port: 9716),
and Messenger Port (Port: 9719)
&22, 23)
Congures the Authentication password.
The length of the text can be up to 32 alphanumeric
Reenter the above password for verication.
SNMP Congures the community name if SNMP is used.
Community name
Congures the community name. The length of the text can
be up to 64 alphanumeric characters.
Click the [Apply] button to save the settings.
• The new conguration settings are activated after restarting the
network connection. When the conguration settings are changed, you must
restart the network connection. You can restart the network connection by
clicking the [Network Restart] on the main menu(
• Only numbers ‘0-9’ and alphabet ‘a-z’, ‘A-Z’ can be used.
3. Web Control
3.1 Projector Web Control (continued)