
Dualit conveyor toasters are equipped
with a rotary power saver switch. Turn
clockwise or counterclockwise to obtain
the following positions:
When in this position
your equipment is at
full power and ready to
Two off positions are
provided so that a
single rotation to either
direction will shut the
unit off.
The standby position
reduces the power
consumption by 75%.
Using this position
during quiet times
will save electricity and
keep the toaster warm.
Use this whenever you
know the toaster is not
required for the next 10
minutes. When needed,
turn the switch to FULL
POWER. Recovery time
is about 30 seconds.
You can use the conveyor toaster to warm
or toast other bread type products such
as buns, muffins, bagels and crossiants.
1. Adjust the top and bottom element
temperatures to required settings.
Ensure any food product used with the
conveyor is less than 30mm thick. If
larger it may get stuck inside the
2. For buns and bagels and other items
requiring only one side toasting , set
the top element to 10 (High) and
the bottom to 5 (Medium).
ffoorrggeett,, aannyy cchhaannggee ttoo tthhee hheeaatt sseettttiinngg
illll ttaakkee aa ffeeww mmiinnuutteess ttoo ttaakkee eeffffeecctt..
3. Adjust the speed as in previous section
to vary the browning.
4. Products flip over when coming off the
conveyor belt
NOTE: Products will toast at different
speeds. Adjustments of the heat controls
maybe required to achieve desired results.
CAUTION: Burgers/meat products must
not be cooked/heated in his machine
The Dualit conveyor toaster is a versatile
machine which can be used for toasting
or warming a variety of bread products.
Follow the instructions to achieve best
toasting results:
1. Turn the power saver to FULL POWER.
2. Set the conveyor speed to 5.
3. The toaster is equipped with separate
top and bottom heat controls. For
toast we recommend setting them
both to 10 (HIGH).
4. Allow a warm-up time of 5 to 10
minutes to allow the toaster to reach
optimum operating temperature.
5. Place a sample product on the
conveyor belt to test the settings.
6. For best results
sseett bbootthh hheeaatt rreegguullaattoorrss
ttoo ffuullll aanndd sse
ett tthhee ssppeeeedd ttoo ((55))..
7. Vary the speed of the belt to achieve
lighter or darker toasting.
AAnnyy cchhaannggee ttoo tthhee ssppeeeedd sseettttiinngg wwiillll
ttaakkee aa ffeeww sseeccoonnddss ttoo ttaakkee eeffffeecctt..