The Moto-Tool is a handful of high-speed
power. It serves as a carver, a grinder,
polisher, sander, cutter, power brush, drill
and more.
The Mote-Tool has a small, powerful electric
motor, is comfortable in the hand. and is
made to accept a large variety of accessories
including abrasive wheels, drill bits, wire
brushes, polishers, engraving cutters, router
bits, and cutting wheels. Accessories come
in a variety of shapes and permit you to do a
number of different jobs. As you become
familiar with the range of accessories and
their uses, you will learn just how versatile the
Moto-Toolis. You'll see dozens of uses you
hadn't thought of before now.
The real secret of the Mote-Tool is its speed.
To understand the advantages of its high
speed, you have to know that the standard
portable electric drill runs at speeds up to
2,800 revolutions per minute. The Mote-Tool
operates at speeds up to 30,000 revolutions
per minute. The typical electric drill is a low-
speed, high torque tool; the Mote-Tool is just
the opposite -- a high-speed, low torque
tool. The chief difference to the user is that in
the high speed tools, the speed combined
with the accessory mounted in the chuck
does the work. You don't apply pressure to
the tool, but simply hold and guide it. In the
low speed tools, you not only guide the tool,
bu.t also apply pressure to it, as you do, for
example, when drilling a hole.
It is this high speed, along with its compact
size and wide variety of special accessories,
that makes the Mote-Tool different from
other power tools. The speed enables ittodo
jobs low-speed tools cannot do, such as
cutting hardened steel, engraving glass, etc.
Getting the most out of your Mote-Tool is a
matter of learning how to let this speed work
for you.
You should not think of the Mote-Tool as a
small version of a standard electric drill.
While it does do some of the same jobs as an
electric drill, it is basically different in
concept, design and use. Craftsmen who
have used it for years think of it as "a special
tool for special jobs", and as "the tool that
does jobs which others don't."
For example, if you want to cut a neat 2-inch
square hole in a furnace duct, the Mote-Toot
will do the job quickly and easily, Practically
no other tool will. Or if a door is slightly
misallgned because the house settled, the
latch bolt may no longer enter the strike plate
properly, making the door difficult to close or
lock. Use the Mote-Tool to cut away just
enough of the strike plate so that the latch bolt
operates properly. You can do it in minutes.
There are literally hundreds of special
applications such as these for the Mote-Toot
in every home.
In addition to these special applications, think
of the Mote-Tool for shaping or removing
wood, metal and plastics. This is how wood
carvers use the tool, and while you may not be
interested in wood carving, there are many
times when you want to cut a recess, round a
slnarp corner, or enlarge an opening. "
And then there are grinding and polishing
jobs done by theMoto-Toot. You can sharpen
tools, scissors and cutlery, get nd of burrs
and unwanted sharp edges, accumulated
rust. grind new shapes, etc.
The point is to think of the Mote-Tool for the
many jobs it can do because of its own unique
properties and capabdities. When you have
a job to do, think of the Mote-Toot as one
possible solution,
Slot Screw Head
Cut Pipe
Polzsn Brass
Grlnd R_ ,_et
_age 3
DeCur; Metal
Cut Rusted Nut
Sharpen Tools
Carve Wood
Delicate Sanding
Engrave Glass
Precise Drilling
Shape Wood
Shape Tile
Crlil Hjrdwood