Channel selection
The receiver keeps an internal channel list in its memory. This list contains all channels that
were found during channel scan. There are several methods of choosing a TV channel:
P+ / Pā Change to the previous or next channel in the channel list
Change to TV or radio mode
SWAP Change back and forth between actual and previously viewed channel.
The operating software of the receiver only notes the last channel that
was active at least one second. This means that you can change chan-
nels quickly using the P+/P- button and these channels will be ignored
by the SWAP function.
0 ā 9 You can always enter a channel number using the number buttons
directly. The entry can be shortened using the OK button (e.g. when you
wish to enter a single figure channel number) or EXIT to cancel.
To shorten the process of entering a figure, which is less then four
digits, keep the button pressed when entering the last number.
Note: You can call up deactivated TV channels by entering the channel
number directly.
PVR-X10 11