DSL-G624T Wireless A DSL Router User’s Guide
WEP Encryption
WEP (Wireless Encryption Protocol or Wired Equivalent Privacy) encryption can be enabled for security and privacy.
WEP encrypts the data portion of each frame transmitted from the wireless adapter using one of the predefined keys.
Decryption of the data contained in each packet can only be done if the both the receiver and transmitter have the
correct key.
WEP is disabled by default. To enable WEP, select the Enable WEP Wireless Security option. Configure the
Encryption Keys as desired and click the Apply button. The encryption key setup is described below.
WEP can use open or shared keys, or may be configured to allow the clients to use either type of key. Use the
Authentication Type: drop-down menu to choose Open, Shared or Both.
• Select Open to allow any wireless station to associate with each other through the access point. Wireless
devices will be able to communicate with all devices on a network unless they require the a Shared key.
• Select Shared to only allow stations using a shared key encryption to associate with each other through the
access point. That is, only devices with the same key are allowed to communicate over a network with devices
that share the same key. Shared key requires additional configuration of the keys to be used. Follow the
instructions below to configure the Shared Keys.
• Select Both if you want to allow Wireless clients to specify using a shared or open key.
Setup Encryption Keys
WEP Keys may be configured using Hex or ASCII characters. In addition there are three levels of encryption available,
each level requires a different number of characters. Select Hex or ASCII from the Key Type drop-down menu. Hex or
Hexadecimal digits are defined as the numerical digits 0 – 9 and the letters A – F (upper and lower case are recognized
as the same digit). ASCII characters include numbers and letters but no spaces. An upper case ASCII character is NOT
recognized as the same lower case character, and therefore must be configured exactly as typed for all wireless nodes
using the access point. The length of the key depends on the level of encryption used.
Select the Key Length from the drop-down menu. The available key lengths are 64, 128 or 256-bit encryption. In the
spaces provided, type in Key 1, Key 2, Key 3 and Key 4. The length of the character string used of the keys depends on
the level (Key Length) of encryption selected. Only one key can be active. The active key is selected by clicking the
radio button for the key you want to use.
Click the Apply button when you have configured WEP as desired to put the changes into effect.
Keep in mind that encryption, particularly at higher levels (i.e. 256-bit) can adversely affect
thoughput. If your network has very high volume wireless traffic you may want to consider
adding more carrying capacity or decreasing the level of encryption.