
D-Link DFM-560EL External Modem User’s Guide
8.2 AT Commands
A Go off-hook and attempt to answer a call.
&Cn Control Carrier Detect (CD) Signal
&C0 CD override
&C1 Normal CD operations
Dn Dial
0-9 DTMF digits 0 to 9
P Pulse (rotary) dial
T Tone dial
W Wait for second dial tone
&Dn DTR Option
&D0 Ignore an on-to-off transition of DTR
&D1 Switch to on-line command mode without disconnection
&D2 Normal DTR operations.
&F Load Factory Configuration (Profile)
Hn Disconnect (Hang-up)
H0 Hang up (go on-hook)
H1 Go off-hook
In Identification
I0 Report product code
I3 Report OEM defined identifier string
I4 Report firmwave version
Mn Speaker Control
M0 Speaker is always off
M1 Speaker ON until CONNECT
M2 Speaker is always on
M3 Speaker off during dialing and receiving carrier and turn
Speaker on during answering.
On Return to On-Line Data Mode
O0 Go on-line
O1 Go on-line and restrain