Content filtering
To enable content filtering, follow these steps:
1. Update the content filtering settings, Firewall->Content Filtering:
Select what content that should be filtered out. ActiveX, Java applets, JavaScript/VBScript
and cookies can be blocked or filtered out. Note that some web pages don’t work very well if
these options are enabled.
Pages that are safe or trusted can be added to the whitelist by clicking Edit global URL
whitelist. To enable all subdomains of eg google.com (eg gmail.google.com) and all possible
pages on that site, enter *.google.com/* in this list. This will allow for example
www.google.com/about.html and gmail.google.com.
In the same way servers can be blocked by adding them to the blacklist. Click Edit global
URL blacklist and add the sites that should be blocked. File extensions can also be blocked.
If you for example don’t want users to be able to download executable files add *.exe in this