air--3 to 5 P.S.I. MAXIMUM--might be required to force the pistons
completely from the body.) Note the position of the pistons before
removing them from the actuator body. Remove #3 bearings and #4 O-
rings from the pistons. Remove #13, 14 & 15 respectively from the pinion.
4. Push the pinion halfway into the bottom of the actuator. Remove #10 and
#11 from the pinion. Now the pinion can be pushed co
mpletely out of the
body. Remove #18, 9, and 19 from the pinion shaft. All replacement parts
may now be re-assembled. BRADFORD recommends that all wear parts
(repair kit) be replaced before reassembly.
IMPORTANT: Be sure that the actuator surfaces are free of grit and
scratches before reassembling.
1. Apply a light film of grease to all o-rings, bearings and the pinion before
Put the pinion (17) back through the actuator with the flats of the pinion
shaft running parallel with the body. Rever
se disassembly procedure for
3. When reassembling the actuator, make sure that the piston ra
cks are
square to the actuator body and returned to their original orientation.
(NOTE: The normal operation of all BRADFORD actuators is FAIL
CLOSED. If you want to change the orientation to FAIL OPEN, rotate the
racks 180ยบ to create a reverse operation.
4. When replacing springs in a spring return actuator, ensure that the springs
are replaced in their identical pos
ition in the end cap from which they were
removed. (NOTE: In some circumstances, you might want to change the
standard 80 pound spring set to fit your application and available air
pressure. Changing the spring sets on BRADFORD actuators requires no
special tools. Please refer to the spring combination torque chart in our
catalog for the spring combinations that will allow you to operate with the
spring set that you desire.
5. Seal the end caps with a petroleum lubricant and bolt to actuator body.
6. Check the seal of the actuator by covering seal areas (pinion, end caps)
with soapy water and using low pressure air to the actuator to ensure that
no bubbles
are produced.