
© 2005 Directed Electronics—all rights reserved
HHooww ttoo UUssee tthhiiss GGuuiiddee
This guide provides instructions and illustrations on how to install and operate
the media player. With step-by-step instructions, we will guide you through the
media player driver installation process. If you are not familiar with computer
operating systems, we suggest you learn more from this manual and help docu-
ments on the Driver and Recovery CD before installing the driver.
WWhhaatt''ss IInncclluuddeedd
—shows you all accessories in the package. Please verify that all
of them are included when you open the box. If any item is damaged or miss-
ing, please contact your dealer directly.
GGeett SSttaarrtteedd
—introduces the function keys, the LCD Display status in different
modes, and how to recharge the Li-Ion battery (LCD/battery—DMP740 only).
CCoonnnneecctt aanndd RReemmoovvee ffrroomm CCoommppuutteerr
—describes how to connect and remove the
media player from your computer.
BBaassiicc UUssaaggee
—describes how to operate all functions. We suggest you to read
this chapter carefully before using the media player.
—listing of specifications.
rriivveerr aanndd RReeccoovveerryy CCDD
—describes how to use the Driver and Recovery CD, and
how to upgrade the firmware and software.