
© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc.
remote start
This feature allows you to remotely start your vehicle. This
makes it possible to warm up the engine, as well as adjust the
interior temperature of the vehicle with the climate control
system. If interior heating or cooling is desired, the climate
controls must be preset, and the fan blower must be set to the
desired level prior to remote starting the vehicle.
WWhheenn yyoouu aarree rreeaaddyy ttoo ddrriivvee tthhee vveehhiiccllee::
1. Insert the ignition key and turn it to the
ON (not the START) position.
2. Press the brake pedal.
While the vehicle is running during remote start operation, the
system will monitor the vehicle and will automatically shut
down the engine if the system receives any of the following shut-
down inputs:
The brake pedal is pressed.
The hood is opened.
If the brake pedal is pressed
before the key is in the ON posi-
tion, the engine will shut down.
(1) Never remotely start the vehicle with the vehi-
cle in gear, and (2) Never remotely start the vehicle with the
key in the ignition.