Equalization is used to shape the tonal response of your guitar signal. The EQ in the RP50
is similar to the tone knobs on an amplifier. Values 1-4 cut the level of each band, 5 is flat
(no cut or boost), and values 6-9 boost the level of each band.
Bass (b1- b9 ) - The Value buttons adjust the amount of low end enhancement (Bass).
Mid (d1- d9)- The Value buttons adjust the amount of mid range enhancement.
Treble (t1- t9)- The Value buttons adjust the amount of high end enhancement (Treble).
Noise Gate
A Noise Gate is designed to eliminate noise while you are not playing. The AutoSwell
setting creates a volume pedal effect automatically with varying attack times. Different
guitars and pickups require different threshold settings. Choose a setting that fully mutes
the sound when you are not playing for the lowest setting.
Of. G1-G9 - Selects the Silencer™ Noise Gate. Settings 1-9 select the threshold. Of turns
the gate effect off.
s1-s9 - Selects the Auto Swell volume swell effect. Settings 1-9 select the attack time.
The Chorus/Mod module is a multi-function module that lets you select the following
effects: Chorus, Flanger, Phaser,Tremolo, Panner,Vibrato, Rotary Speaker, AutoYa™,
Envelope, Detune, Pitch Shift, and Whammy™ effects. When the Chorus/Mod module is
selected, the Value buttons are used to choose the type of effect. Only one of the effects in
this row can be used at a time. The following list describes each effect and their
parameters in more detail.