PedalPosition-Knob3 provides a manual control of the Whammy pedal position.
Ranges from to .
Mix - Knob 4 adjusts the Whammy mix. Ranges from to .
Pitch Shift ()
A Pitch Shifter copies the incoming signal, then shifts the pitch of the copy to a different note. The
shifted note is then mixed back with the original signal, sounding as if two guitars were playing
different notes.
ShiftAmount-Knob2 selects the interval of the shifted pitch. Ranges from (2
octaves below) to (2 octaves above).
Mix - Knob 4 controls the mix level of the shifted pitch. Ranges from to .
Detune ()
A Detuner makes a copy of your incoming signal, takes the copied signal slightly out of tune from
the original, then mixes the two signals together. The result is a doubling type of effect as if two
guitars were playing the same part together.
ShiftAmount-Knob2 adjusts the amount of pitch difference applied to the copied signal.
Ranges from to cents.
Level - Knob 4 controls the mix of the detuned note. Ranges from to .