Tone Library (Knob 1)
In Performance mode, this knob selects a variety of genre-based amp tone defaults ranging from
Blues to Metal to Country. Behind the scenes, the Compressor, Distortion, Amp/Cabinet model,
and EQ are configured to create a specified tone with a single click of this knob. You can further
refine the sound by editing the preset (see Editing/Creating Presets on page 16). Changing between
different Tone Library defaults does not change the Chorus/FX, Delay or Reverb, letting you ex-
periment with different amp styles quickly in the context of the current effect chain.
Effects Library (Knob 2)
In Performance mode, this knob selects a variety of post-amplifier model effect chains (Chorus,
Chorus + Delay, Delay + Reverb, etc.). You can further refine the sound by editing the preset (see
Editing/Creating Presets on page 16). Changing between different Effects Library defaults does not
change the Compressor, Distortion, Amp/Cabinet model, and EQ settings, letting you experiment
with different effect chains quickly in the context of the current amp tone.
Effects Level (Knob 3)
In Performance mode, this knob changes the relative level of the post-amp effects (Chorus/FX,
Delay, and Reverb). This can be thought of as an effects mix control, where turning this knob
clockwise increases the level of these effects and turning it counter-clockwise decreases the level
of these effects.
Master Level (Knob 4)
This knob controls the overall output volume of all of the RP250 (Presets, Drum Machine, and
USB playback).
You can edit your RP250 with your computer, using the X-Edit
Editor/Librarian. Download X-
, USB drivers, and documentation from www.digitech.com. Open the readme file for detailed
instructions about installing and using this software.