Index 7
rack, for installing the filer, 2-4
Rebooting message, 3-21
Replace NVRAM batteries! message,
documentation, xiv
electrical, 2-2
environmental, 2-3
rack installation, 2-3, 2-4
Reset button on the front panel, 1-3
returns, 4-4
robotic loader, on tape backup device,
safety instructions
for preventing ESD, xi
health considerations, xi
connecting disk shelves, 2-11
ID of tape backup, 2-14
ID of tape device, 2-14
tape backup device, 1-9, 2-14
tape backup interface, 1-4
serial cable
DB-9–to–DB-9 straight-through, 2-18
pin settings, 2-18
serial concentrator, connecting to the
filer, 2-18
serial port
CONSOLE port, 1-5
for connecting the ASCII terminal, 2-19
service, 4-1
setup command, 3-13
setup program, error message, 3-15
shipment package, contents, 2-3
SIO error message, 3-11
slot assignments, 1-7, 1-8
Small Computer System Interface
see SCSI
SNMP error messages, 3-20
software on filer, Data ONTAP, 1-9
space and location requirement, 2-3
specifications, 1-2, 1-3
starting the system
from the system boot diskette, 3-9
startup messages, 3-10
status LED on the front panel, 3-3
STDBY/SERV message, 3-3
technical, 4-1
system boot diskette
POST error messages, 3-11, 3-12
starting the system, 3-9
system components, 1-9
system console messages
logged in /etc/messages, 3-9
tape backup device, 1-9
connecting the filer, 2-14
robotic loader, 2-14
SCSI ID, 2-14
TechConnect BBS, 4-3
TechFax service, 4-3
technical assistance
obtaining, 4-1
warranty repair or credit, 4-4
technical specifications, 1-2, 1-3
environmental requirements, 2-2
System too hot message, 3-22
terminal connection, to the filer, 2-18