
Painting Your IWSub Reference
The IWSub Reference is easy to paint. It virtually disappears into your room
when it is the same color as your wall. For best results, paint the grille and frame
separately prior to in-wall installation.
You Will Need:
• Paint of your choice (to make the job easier, we recommend spray painting
the grille).
• A paperclip (for removing the paintable grille).
• Masking tape.
• Paint mask (to cover unpaintable parts, supplied).
Preparing to Paint:
1. Separate the parts of the speaker. The grille can be removed simply by
carefully hooking it with a bent paperclip and pulling it gently away from
the frame. [Figure 7]
When painting the frame of the speaker
, use the supplied paint mask to
carefully mask off the front of the speakers to protect the drivers and baffles
while painting [Figure 8]. You can do this while the speaker is already
installed in the wall (if, for instance, you’re repainting the room). If you do
not have the paint masks, carefully mask the speaker components using
paper and masking tape.
Painting the Frame:
1. Apply paint to exposed (unmasked) parts. Use two or more thin coats.
Spray painting is recommended.
2. When the paint is completely dry, remove the masking material.
Figure 8
Figure 7