5. Wire the – (black) terminal of the left ProMonitor 600 to the left channel – (black)
speaker wire (high level) out on the back of the ProSub.
6. Repeat steps 4 & 5 for the right ProMonitor 600.
7. Set the low frequency filter control on the back of the subwoofer to approximately
10 – 12 o’clock. Please note that the exact frequency will depend on many factors
including specific positions of the speakers in the room, so you might experiment
with a slightly higher or lower setting to achieve ideal blending between the sub
and the satellites for your particular set-up. Listen to a wide variety of music to
determine the correct setting for this in your system.
8. Set the subwoofer level control to approximately 12 o’clock. Please note that the
exact level depends on many factors including your room size, positions of the
speakers, etc. as well as your personal listening taste, so you might experiment
with the subwoofer level while listening to a wide variety of music until you
achieve the ideal setting for your system.
9. Wire your center channel to the center channel out on your receiver (or center
channel amplifier) and your left and right rear surround speakers to the rear
channel outputs on your receiver or rear channel amplifier (taking care that all
speakers are in phase, i.e. + (red) to + (red) and – (black) to – (black).
10. Set the bass management system of your receiver or decoder for “Large Left and
Right Main Speakers,” “Small Center” and “Small Rear Surround Speakers” and
“No Subwoofer.” All the bass information including the .1 channel LFE signal
will be directed to the main left and right channels and into the subwoofer giving
you all the benefits of Dolby Digital.
Option for Method 1 Hook-Up
An option on this hook-up (if your decoder will allow you to select “Large Left and
Right Main Speakers” and a “Subwoofer”), in addition to the hook-up as described
above, is to use an RCA-to-RCA low level cable to connect the LFE/sub-out on your
receiver to the low-level LFE/sub-in (the lower RCA input) on a ProSub. Tell your
bass management system that you have “Large Left and Right Main Speakers” and a
“Subwoofer” and “Small Center” and “Small Surrounds.” You will then be able to
raise the LFE .1 channel level being fed to the subwoofer by either using the LFE/sub
remote level adjustment on your decoder (if it has one) or the LFE .1 channel level
control on your Dolby Digital channel balancing procedure. This set-up has the advan-
tage of allowing you to set the low frequency level on the ProSub for smooth balance
with music while also allowing you to “juice up the bass” for movies with the controls
on your decoder. It should also sound somewhat better.
Variation on the Method 1 Optional Hook-up
One variation on the optional hook-up is to hook up and adjust the system as
described under “Optional Hook-Up” except select “Small Left and Right Main
Speakers” and a “Subwoofer” on the bass management system (along with “Small
Center” and “Small Rear Surrounds”). The advantage of this over the Optional Hook-
Up will be somewhat greater dynamic range (i.e., you can play the system louder).
However, depending on the specific characteristics of the crossovers designed into
your bass management system, the transition and blending between the satellites and
subwoofer may not be quite as smooth and continuous as the Optional Hook-Up, or