Displays current speed in MPH or km/h.
Records maximum speed for each trip
Records total time in which speed exceeded set limit for each trip
Accuracy ±1%
Displays current acceleration in g’s (an acceleration of 22 MPH/sec. or 35 km/h/sec.).
Records number of times acceleration exceeded specified limit for each trip.
Records number of times deceleration exceeded specified limit for each trip.
Accuracy: ±5%
Audible alarm (optional) for exceeding speed, acceleration, and deceleration limits
Visible alarm message for exceeding speed, acceleration, and deceleration limits
Driver ID/Location ID code entry reminder alarm (requires software to set)
Displays and records total distance travelled during current trip in miles or kilometers.
Records overall distance (odometer requires software to set).
Specifies miles as business, personal, commute, or other.
Accuracy: ±1%
Time & Date
Displays current date in Month:Day or Day:Month format.
Displays current time in 12- or 24-hour format.
Records start and end time for each trip.
Records total time for each trip.
Accuracy: ±2 seconds/day
Accident Logs
Records vehicle speed in last 20 seconds before and after deceleration limit exceeded.
Stores 10 separate accident logs.
Stores last 20 seconds of each of the last 20 trips.
Owner-specified 4-digit password protects settings and data.
Tamper indicator message appears if unit is disconnected.
Tamper indicator appears if incorrect security password is entered 5 times.
Tamper log stores time and date of last 10 tamper alerts.
Time and date of each connect and disconnect is recorded.
Sensor Type
VSS input or rugged reed switch sensor with magnet for mounting on vehicle driveshaft
(rear wheel drive) or CV joint (front wheel drive).
Illuminated display
Primary Power
11 to 18 VDC (12 VDC nominal)
Secondary Power
3-volt CR123 lithium battery (included) allows display unit to be removed from car.
Battery operating time is approximately 260 hours when it is disconnected from vehicle.
Battery life is up to four months in sleep mode.
Digital Inputs
2 digital inputs. Input 1 : green wire; Input 2: yellow wire
Input Impedance: >1 Megaohm
High input range: 3 VDC min, system voltage max
Low input range: -0.5 min to 1.0 VDC max
Input 1 Sampling: Start and stop of trip, GPS record, Accident Log
Input 2 Sampling: Start and stop of trip, GPS record
Input power requirements: 12 VDC nominal
Fuses (3): 3AG, .25A, Slo-Blo (1.25 x .25”, 6.4 x 31.8mm)
Fuses (Power &
Digital Input)
3AG (1 1/4” x 1/4”, 6.4mm x 31.8mm), .25A, Slo-Blo
Operating range -4° F to 185° F (-20°C to 85°C)
DR600 UG Rev B D008.fm Page 30 Thursday, April 17, 2003 7:17 AM