Programming Guide 43
How to Set Single Character Label I.D.
If you only want a single character identifier, follow this modified proce-
dure for setting label identifier.
1. Look at the ASCII chart shown on page 38 and identify the
ASCII character and the corresponding Hex Code for the
ASCII character you will use as the symbology specific
2. Scan the SET label.
3. Scan the label identifier label for the symbology identifier that
you are going to change.
As an example, assume that you want to change the label
identifier for EAN-8 from the default setting FF to the ASCII
value 8. Scan the Set Symbology Specific Label Identifier
barcode for EAN-8.
5. Identify the hex value that correspond to the ASCII character.
In this example '8' equals 38
Simply follow the hex value for '8' (38
) with the One Character
Only label. This tells the scanner that '8' is a single digit label
6. Scan the barcodes values.
For the example in step five, scan 3, 8, One Character Only on
the following two pages.
If you make a mistake, or lose your place while setting this option,
scan the END label to exit Programming Mode. The scanner will
sound an error tone (six rapid beeps) to indicate that programming
was incomplete, and the setting will remain as it was before
entering Programming Mode.
7. Scan the END label.
You have changed the default label identifier for EAN-8 from
'FF' to '8'.