CY8C24094, CY8C24794
CY8C24894, CY8C24994
Document Number: 38-12018 Rev. *M Page 7 of 47
7. Document Conventions
7.1 Acronyms Used
The following table lists the acronyms that are used in this
7.2 Units of Measure
A units of measure table is located in the Electrical Specifications
section. Table 10-1 on page 20 lists all the abbreviations used to
measure the PSoC devices.
7.3 Numeric Naming
Hexadecimal numbers are represented with all letters in
uppercase with an appended lowercase ‘h’ (for example, ‘14h’ or
‘3Ah’). Hexadecimal numbers may also be represented by a ‘0x’
prefix, the C coding convention. Binary numbers have an
appended lowercase ‘b’ (e.g., 01010100b’ or ‘01000011b’).
Numbers not indicated by an ‘h’ or ‘b’ are decimal.
Acronym Description
AC alternating current
ADC analog-to-digital converter
API application programming interface
CPU central processing unit
CT continuous time
DAC digital-to-analog converter
DC direct current
ECO external crystal oscillator
EEPROM electrically erasable programmable read-only
FSR full scale range
GPI/O general purpose I/O
GUI graphical user interface
HBM human body model
ICE in-circuit emulator
ILO internal low speed oscillator
IMO internal main oscillator
I/O input/output
IPOR imprecise power on reset
LSb least-significant bit
LVD low voltage detect
MSb most-significant bit
PC program counter
PLL phase-locked loop
POR power on reset
PPOR precision power on reset
PSoC® Programmable System-on-Chip™
PWM pulse width modulator
SC switched capacitor
SRAM static random access memory
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