Document 001-05809 Rev. *A Page 27 of 42
0x32 iConfiguration Index to the configuration string. This entry must equal half
of the address value where the string starts, or 0x00 if the
string does not exist.
0x33 bmAttributes Device attributes for this configuration
Bit 7 Reserved. Must be set to 1
Bit 6 Self-powered. See Ta ble 4 for reported value
Bit 5 Remote wakeup. Must be set to 0
Bits 4–0 Reserved. Must be set to 0
0x34 bMaxPower Maximum power consumption for this configuration. Units
used are mA*2 (i.e., 0x31 = 98 mA, 0xF9 = 498 mA). The
value entered here is only used by the 56-pin packages and
affect the reported value of bit 6 of address 0x33 in that case.
See Table 4 on page 14 for a description of what value is
reported to the host by the AT2LP.
Interface and Endpoint Descriptors
Interface Descriptor
0x35 bLength Length of interface descriptor in bytes 0x09
0x36 bDescriptorType Descriptor type 0x04
0x37 bInterfaceNumber Interface number 0x00
0x38 bAlternateSetting Alternate setting 0x00
0x39 bNumEndpoints Number of endpoints 0x02
0x3A bInterfaceClass Interface class 0x08
0x3B bInterfaceSubClass Interface subclass 0x06
0x3C bInterfaceProtocol Interface protocol 0x50
0x3D iInterface Index to first interface string. This entry must equal half of
the address value where the string starts or 0x00 if the string
does not exist.
USB Bulk Out Endpoint
0x3E bLength Length of this descriptor in bytes 0x07
0x3F bDescriptorType Endpoint descriptor type 0x05
0x40 bEndpointAddress This is an Out endpoint, endpoint number 2. 0x02
0x41 bmAttributes This is a bulk endpoint. 0x02
0x42 wMaxPacketSize (LSB) Max data transfer size. To be set by speed (Full-speed
0x0040; High-speed 0x0200)
0x43 wMaxPacketSize (MSB) 0x02
0x44 bInterval High-speed interval for polling (maximum NAK rate) 0x00
USB Bulk In Endpoint
0x45 bLength Length of this descriptor in bytes 0x07
0x46 bDescriptorType Endpoint descriptor type 0x05
0x47 bEndpointAddress This is an In endpoint, endpoint number 6 0x86
0x48 bmAttributes This is a bulk endpoint 0x02
0x49 wMaxPacketSize (LSB) Max data transfer size. Automatically set by AT2 (Full-speed
0x0040; High-speed 0x0200)
0x4A wMaxPacketSize (MSB) 0x02
0x4B bInterval High-speed interval for polling (maximum NAK rate) 0x00
(Optional) HID Interface Descriptor
0x4C bLength Length of HID interface descriptor 0x09
0x4D bDescriptorTypes Interface descriptor type 0x04
0x4E bInterfaceNumber Number of interfaces (2) 0x02
Table 11.Configuration Data Organization (continued)
Item Name
Item Description
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