Document #: 38-08001 Rev. *B Page 29 of 51
16.0 Interrupts
Interrupts are generated by the GPIO/DAC pins, the internal timers, I
C-compatible interface or HAPI operation, or on various
USB traffic conditions. All interrupts are maskable by the Global Interrupt Enable Register and the USB End Point Interrupt Enable
Register. Writing a ‘1’ to a bit position enables the interrupt associated with that bit position.
Global Interrupt Enable Register ADDRESS 0X20
Bit 0 : USB Bus RST Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on a USB Bus Reset; 0 = Disable interrupt on a USB Bus Reset (Refer to section 16.3)
Bit 1 :128-µs Interrupt Enable
1 = Enable Timer interrupt every 128 µs; 0 = Disable Timer Interrupt for every 128 µs.
Bit 2 : 1.024-ms Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Timer interrupt every 1.024 ms; 0 = Disable Timer Interrupt every 1.024 ms.
Bit 3 : Reserved
Bit 4 : DAC Interrupt Enable
1 = Enable DAC Interrupt; 0 = Disable DAC interrupt
Bit 5 : GPIO Interrupt Enable
1 = Enable Interrupt on falling/rising edge on any GPIO; 0 = Disable Interrupt on falling/rising edge on any GPIO (Refer to
section 14.7, 9.1 and 9.2.)
Bit 6 : I
C Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on I2C related activity; 0 = Disable I2C related activity interrupt. (Refer to section 16.8).
Bit 7 : Reserved
USB Endpoint Interrupt Enable ADDRESS 0X21
Bit 0: EPA0 Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A0; 0= Disable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A0
Bit 1: EPA1 Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A1; 0= Disable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A1
Bit 2: EPA2 Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A2; 0= Disable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint A2.
Bit 3: EPB0 Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint B0; 0= Disable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint B0
Bit 4: EPB1 Interrupt Enable
1= Enable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint B1; 0= Disable Interrupt on data activity through endpoint B1
Bit [7..5] : Reserved
During a reset, the contents the Global Interrupt Enable Register and USB End Point Interrupt Enable Register are cleared,
effectively, disabling all interrupts
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Reserved I
C Interrupt
GPIO Interrupt
DAC Interrupt
Reserved 1.024-ms
Interrupt Enable
128-µs Interrupt
Interrupt Enable
Read/Write - R/W R/W - R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset -00X0000
Figure 16-1. Global Interrupt Enable Register
Bit # 76543210
Bit Name Reserved Reserved Reserved EPB1 Interrupt
EPB0 Interrupt
EPA2 Interrupt
EPA1 Interrupt
EPA0 Interrupt
Read/Write - - - R/W R/W R/W R/W R/W
Reset -- -00000
Figure 16-2. USB Endpoint Interrupt Enable Register
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