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RoHS Compliant
Toshiba 8-bit microcontrollers feature low-power consumption and low voltage operation. The on-chip peripherals options include LCD, VFT and LED display drivers. The 870/C series has a single register bank to increase
C-Compiler efficiency.
Features: • Minimum Instruction cycle time: 0.25µs at 16MHz • Low-power modes including HALT, IDLE and clock gear and dual clocks • Powerful instruction set with 731 instructions including multiply, divide, 16-bit
operations, bit manipulations, etc. • On-chip peripherals including A/D, PWM, UARTS and LCD • Oper ating Temperature: -40 ~ 85C
Kits Include: Evaluation Board, C-Compiler (3000 lines per module), Assembler, Linker, RS-232 Cable, Batteries, Quick Start Guide, Datasheet, Manuals, CD with Tools
8, 16, and 32-Bit Flash Microcontrollers
Memory Size Supply Digi-Key Price Each Toshiba
EPROM RAM I/O Voltage Package Part No. 1 25 100 Part No.
512K 24KB 143 2.7 ~ 3.6 193-FBGA TMP19A43FDXBG-ND 15.67 14.11 12.51 TMP19A43FDXBG
2MB 64KB 209 2.7 ~ 3.6 281-FBGA TMP19A64F20AXBG-ND 51.68 46.54 41.26 TMP19A64F20AXBG
32K 2K 39 1.8 ~ 3.6 64-QFP TMP86FM29FG-ND 6.95 5.56 4.33 TMP86FM29FG
32K 2K 39 1.8 ~ 3.6 64-LQFP TMP86FM29UG-ND 6.95 5.56 4.33 TMP86FM29UG
32K 2K 56 1.8 ~ 3.6 64-QFP TMP86FM48FG-ND 9.93 7.95 6.71 TMP86FM48FG
32K 2K 56 1.8 ~ 3.6 64-LQFP TMP86FM48UG-ND 9.80 7.85 6.62 TMP86FM48UG
48K 2K 48 1.8 ~ 3.6 80-LQFP TMP86FP24FG-ND 7.79 6.23 5.26 TMP86FP24FG
8K 256 22 2.7 ~ 5.5 30-SSOP TMP86F807MGEY-ND 6.70 5.37 4.17 TMP86F807MG(EY)
8K 256 24 2.7 ~ 5.5 30-SSOP TMP86F808DMGEY-ND 6.70 5.37 4.17 TMP86F808DMG(EY)
16K 512 26 4.5 ~ 5.5 32-SDIP TMP86FH09NGZM-ND 3.15 2.53 1.97 TMP86FH09NG(ZM)
16K 512 24 2.7 ~ 5.5 30-SSOP TMP86FH12MGZ-ND 4.47 3.58 2.78 TMP86FH12MG(Z)
16K 512 33 2.7 ~ 5.5 42-SDIP TMP86FH46ANGZ-ND 6.20 4.97 4.19 TMP886FH46ANG(Z)
16K 512 35 2.7 ~ 5.5 44-LQFP TMP86FH47UG-ND 3.57 2.86 2.41 TMP86FH47UG
60K 2K 48 2.7 ~ 5.5 64-LQFP TMP86FS23UGJZ-ND 5.93 4.75 3.70 TMP86FS23UG(JZ)
60K 1K 55 2.7 ~ 5.5 80-LQFP TMP86FS27FG-ND 11.76 9.41 7.94 TMP86FS27FG
60K 2K 62 2.7 ~ 5.5 80-LQFP TMP86FS28DFGJZ-ND 6.28 5.03 4.24 TMP86FS28DFG(JZ)
60K 2K 62 2.7 ~ 5.5 80-QFP TMP86FS28FGTZ-ND 6.28 5.03 4.24 TMP86FS28FG(TZ)
60K 2KB 56 2.7 ~ 5.5 60-QFP TMP86FS49AFGZ-ND 6.45 5.17 4.36 TMP86FS49AFG(Z)
60K 2KB 56 2.7 ~ 5.5 60-LQFP TMP86FS49AUGJZ-ND 6.45 5.17 4.36 TMP86FS49AUG(JZ)
60K 2KB 91 2.7 ~ 5.5 100-QFP TMP86FS64FGTZ-ND 6.87 5.51 4.28 TMP86FS64FG(TZ)
16K 512 32 1.8 ~ 5.5 44-LQFP TMP86PH22UGJZ-ND 5.45 4.36 3.39 TMP86PH22UG(JZ)
128K 4KB 61 2.4 ~ 3.6 100-LQFP TMP91FW40FGJZ-ND 9.26 7.41 6.25 TMP91FW40FG(JZ)
256K 16KB 81 2.4 ~ 3.6 100-LQFP TMP91FY42FGJZ-ND 12.67 11.41 10.12 TMP91FY42FG(JZ)
128K 8KB 81 2.4 ~ 3.6 100-QFP TMP91FW60DFGTZ-ND 9.26 7.41 6.25 TMP91FW60DFG(TZ)
128K 8KB 83 2.4 ~ 3.6 100-LQFP TMP91FW60FGBJZ-ND 9.26 7.41 6.25 TMP91FW60FG(B,JZ)
8K 288KB 136 2.4 ~ 3.6 228-FBGA TMP92CZ26AXBG-ND 12.41 11.17 9.91 TMP92CZ26AXBG
86FH47 Starter Kit........................................................................ BMSKTOPASFM47AND-ND 122.78 — — BMSKTOPASFM47(AND)
86FM29 Starter Kit ....................................................................... BMSKTOPASFMA-ND 122.78 — — BMSKTOPASFM29(AND)
86FM29 Starter Kit ....................................................................... BMSKTOPASFM48AND-ND 122.78 — — BMSKTOPASFM48(AND)
TMP86FS49 Evaluation Kit .............................................................. BMSKTOPAS86FS49A-ND 122.78 — — BMSKTOPAS86FS49(A)
The SL11R from Cypress, is a low cost, full speed Universal Serial Bus (USB) RISC based Controller. The
SL11R contains a 16-bit RISC processor with built-in BIOS ROM that greatly reduces rmware development
time. This unique architecture provides the ability to upgrade products, in the eld, without changing the
peripheral hardware. The pro cessor can execute code either from internal ROM/RAM or external DRAM,
Email support.
Kit Includes: • HW reference design for SL11R evaluation board • Assem bler/Debugger and built in emulator
• App lication notes • BIOS ROM information • System Software demo program source code • Generic
WDM mini-port driver for WIN98/2000-object code • 2 sample chips
Devices Supported: SL11R-IDE
428-1344-ND SL11 Development Tools ............................................................$614.22
The CY3684 development kit for the EZ-USB FX2LP™ family provides complete hardware and software
solutions for accelerating the rmware and device driver development for all of the products in the family.
The development kits use the actual silicon for the entire development. Software utilities and example
rmware allow the user to generate USB traffic in hours, not weeks! Includes an evaluation version of
the 8051 Keil Software Tools. The evaluation version of the C-Compiler lets the designer write 8051
microcontroller applications in C and still get the efficiency and speed of assembly language. The supplied
Keil tools are fully functional, but are limited in object size to 4 kilobytes.
Kit includes:
• EZ-USB development board • Peripheral board for prototyping • USB cable • RS232 9-pin to 9-pin cable
428-1677-ND Development Kit for EZ-USB FX2LP ....................................................$651.45
Developer Kits
The development kits for the EZ-USB FX™ family provide complete hardware and software solutions for
accelerating the rmware and device driver development for all the products in the family. The development
kits use the actual silicon for the entire development. Software utilities and example of rmware allow the
user to generate USB traffic in hours, not weeks! Includes an evaluation version of the 8051 Keil Software
Tools in the Full Speed USB 2.0 development kit. The evaluation version of the C-Compiler lets the designer
write 8051 microcontroller applications in C and still get the efficiency and speed of assembly language.
Advanced features from Keil Tools include the ability to single step through code. This makes it easy to
detect errors, handle source level debugging, and set breakpoints. With the ability to debug code one line at
a time and to quickly compile and one-step download new code, developers have a more efficient means to
complete rmware faster than using emulators. The supplied Keil Tools are fully functional, but are limited in
object size to 4 kilobytes.
Devices Supported: CY7C64713-56LFXC, CY7C64713-100AXC, CY7C64713-128AXC
Kit Includes:
• EZ-USB Development Board with CY7C64713-128AXC • Peripheral Board for proto typing • USB cable
• RS-232 9-pin to 9-pin cable
428-1681-ND EZ-USB FX1 Development Kit .........................................................$608.02
The enCoRe™ II development system, based on the highly re ned PSoC™ (Programmable System-on-
Chip™) tools, supplies the user with an incircuit emulator (ICE) that works in conjunction with actual silicon to
provide an accurate and efficient development system. The PSoC Designer™ software consists of a graphical
user interface, assembler, C-Compiler, linker and debugger for a highly integrated code development
environment. A compliant USB “User Module” along with PS/2 and other peripheral User Modules simpli es
the learning curve and speeds development time.
Kit Includes:
• Application Board enCoRe II Pod • Wireless enCoRe II Pod • PDIP feet • Modular Programmer Base Board
• Programming Adapter Plug • USB Cable PS/2 Male to Male Cable • Software • Printed Documentation
428-1773-ND Development Kit for enCoRe II .....................................................$1446.83
428-1774-ND Extension Kit for enCoRe II ..........................................................$763.12
WirelessUSB LP RDK (CY4636) provides an exemplary implementation of a 2:1, bidirectional Wireless
desktop keyboard and mouse to single wireless receiver. The RDK will help jump-start your Keyboard and
Mouse development using WirelessUSB LP (CYRF6936) Radio System on Chip. WirelessUSB LP is the
next generation WirelessUSB device, with high data throughput and low power designed to operate in 2.4
GHz ISM band. WirelessUSB has many powerful features that allow users to create never before seen radio
Kit Includes: • CYRF6936 WirelessUSB LS transceiver • Optical Sensor Mouse • WirelessUSB keyboard
• Batteries • CD
428-1858-ND Wireless USB REF Kit ................................................................$308.66
CY7B923 HOTLink
The CY7B923 HOTLink Transmitter and CY7B933 HOTLink Receiver are point-to-point communications building blocks that trans fer data over high-speed serial links ( ber, coax, and twisted pair). Standard HOTLink
data rates range from 160-330 Mbits/second. Higher speed HOTLink is also available for high-speed applications (160-400 Mbits/second), as well as for those low-cost applications HOTLink-155 (150-160 Mbits/second
Digi-Key Price Each Cypress
Description Package Part No. 1 25 100 Part No.
28-PLCC 428-1706-5-ND 69.74 55.79 47.08 CY7B923-JXC
Standard Speed
28-SOIC 428-1707-5-ND 69.74 55.79 47.08 CY7B923-SXC
28-PLCC 428-1708-5-ND 69.74 55.79 47.08 CY7B933-JXC
Standard Speed
28-SOIC 428-1709-5-ND 69.74 55.79 47.08 CY7B933-SXC
• Fibre-Channel compliant • IBM ESCON com pliant • DVB-ASI compliant • ATM compliant • B/10B coded or
10-bit unencoded • Stan dard HOTLink: 160–330Mbps • High-speed HOTLink 160–400 Mbps for high-speed
applications • Low-speed HOTLink: 150–160Mbps for low-cost ber
• TTL synchronous I/O • No external phase-locked-loop (PLL) components • Triple PECL 100K serial outputs
• Dual PECL 100K serial inputs • Low power: 350mW (Tx), 650mW (Rx) • Compatible with ber optic modules,
coaxial cable, and twisted pair media • Built-In Self-Test • Single +5V supply • 28-pin SOIC/PLCC/LCC • 0.8