
,,,e upper portionof the blade projectsup throughthe
table, surroundedby an insertcalled the throat plate.
The height ofthe blade isset witha handwheel and
lockedwith a handle, bothon the front of the cabinet.
To accommodatewide panels, the tabletop has
extensionson each side. Detailed instructionsare
providedinthe Operationsectionof this manualfor
the basiccuts: crosscuts, mitercuts, bevel cuts,and
Forcuts with the blade straightup and cuttingacross
the grain(cross cuts or mitercuts), usethe mitergage
to set the angle and pushthe wood into the blade. To
cut with the blade straight up, along the grain of the
wood (rip cuts), use the rip fence to guide the wood.
Push smallerpieces with a pushblockor pushstick.
To tiltthe blade for a bevel cut, usethe bevel
handwheelon the side of the cabinet. A bevel scale
on the front ofthe cabinet showsthe bladeangle.
Insidethe cabinet, adjustable positivestopscontrol
the degree of tilt.
Use the miter gage with a bevel crosscut (compound
cut)and the ripfence with a bevel ripcut. Other cuts
requirespecial attachments,whichhave detailed
instructions to reduce risk of injury and ensurethe
best performance from your new saw.
Before attemptingto use your saw, familiarize yourself
withall operating features and safety requirements of
your Sears Craftsman table saw. The saw's features
are described below.
ALIGN-A-CUT INSERT - A pt_,sticinsert onwhich
marks may be made to indicate the locationofthe
sawcuton the workpiece.
ANTI-KICKBACK PAWLS - KickbackIs a hazard in
whichthe workpiece is thrownbacktoward the
operator. The toothed pawls are designedto snag the
workpieceto prevent or reduceinjuryshouldkickback
BEVEL HANDWHEEL - This handwheel, on the right
side ofthe cabinet, tiltsthe bladefor a bevel cut.
BEVEL SCALE - The easy-to-road scale on the front
ofthe work.standshowsthe exact blade angle.
BLADE -This saw is providedwith a Craftsman 64
tooth, 10 in. steel blade. The blade is adjustedwith
bevel and heighthandwheels on the cabinet. Bevel
anglesare locked with a handle below the front rail.
WARNING: Be sure to use only blades rated for
at least 5,000 rpmand recommendedfor use on
this saw. Check with yournearest Sears retail
BLADE GUARD - Always keepthe guard down over
the bladefor through-sawingcuts.
BEVEL LOCK HANDLE - This handle, placed just
under theworktable surfaceon the frontof the cabi-
net, locksthe angle settingof theblade. Be surethe
handle ishangingstraightdownbefore tiltingthe
blade. If itis notstraightdown, itmay jam and bend
HEIGHT HANDWHEEL - Use this handwheel to lower
and raise the blade for adjustmentsor replacement. It
is locatedon the front of the cabinet.
MITER GAGE - This gage alignsthe wood for a
crosscutat an angle otherthan 90". The easy-to-road
indicator showsthe exact angle for a mitercut, with
positivestopsat 90" and 45".
MITER GAGE GROOVES - The miter gage ddes in
these grooves on eitherside ofthe blade.
MITER GAGE KNOB - Locatedon the miter gage,
this knoblocksin the cuttingangleafter selection.
MOTOR (13 AMP) - The powerfulinductionmotoris
3HP, with capacitorstartand V-belt drive,and is
housedin a sturdysteel base.
RAILS - Front and rear rails providesupportfor large
workpiecesend the ripfence.
RiP FENCE - A sturdymetalfence guidesthe
workpieceand issecured withthe ripfence handle.
Grooves runalongthe top and sidesof the ripfence
for usa withoptionalclamps and accessories.
RIP FENCE HANDLE - The handleon the front ofthe
rip fence releasesthe ripfence or locksitin place.
behindthe blade, itkeeps cut edges frombindingand
supportsthe blade guard.
SCALE - Foundon the frontrail,the easy-to-road
scale providesprecise measurementsin dp cuts.
SWITCH WITH KEY - Your table saw has an easy
access power switchlocated belowthe frontrail.The
yellowswitchkey must be removed fromthe hard-
ware bag and inserted intothe switchbefore saw can
be operated. To lockthe switchinthe OFF position,
remove the switch key fromthe switch. Place the key
in a locationthatis inaccessibleto childrenand others
notqualifiedto use the tool.
TABLE EXTENSIONS - Removable stampedsteel
extensions,12 in.by 27 in., supportlarger