
1.ALWAYSsupport theworkpiecenear thecut,
2.ALWAYSsupporttheworkpieceso thecutwiltbe onyourright,
3.ALWAYSclamptheworkpieceso itwillnotmoveduringthecut.
PlacetheworkpIecewiththegood side down. NOTE:The good side istheside
Beforestarting a cut,drawa guideline alongthedesiredlineofcut.Thenplacethe
front edge ofthe sawbladesonthepartoftheworkpiecethatisso[idlysupported,
4.ALWAYSkeepthecordawayfrom thecuttingarea.ALWAYSplacethecordsoit
doesnothangupontheworkpiecewhenmakinga cuL
DANGER: Ifthe cord hangsup on the workpiece during a cut, release the
on/off switch immediately°Unplug the saw and move the cord to prevent it from
hanging up agatn_
-Z_ DANGLER: Using the saw with a damaged cord couldresult In serious
injuryor deatk If the cordhas been damaged, have it replaced before using the
saw again.
Z_ WARNING: Ifthe blades come in contact with the workpiece before they
reach full speed, it could cause the saw to kickback towards you, resulting in
serious injury.
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When making a cut, ALWAYS use steady, even pressure. Forcingthe saw causes
rough cuts and couldshorten the life ofthe saw or cause kickback_
Z_ DANGER: When sawing through the workplece, the lower blade guard
does not cover the blades.The blades are exposed on the under side of the
workpiece. ALWAYS keep your hands and fingers away from the cutting area°
Any part of your body coming in contact with the moving blades will result
,n serious m)ury.
After completing your cut, release the on/off switch and allow the blades to come to a
complete stop°DO NOT remove the saw from the workptece while the blades
are moving.
CAUTION: Whenever youlift your saw from the workpiece, the blades are
exposed on the under side of the saw untttthe lower blade guard closes.ALWAYS
MAKE SURE thatthe lower blade guard isclosed before setting the saw down on
work surface°