DIGITAL-LOGIC AG MSB900/L Detailed Technical Manual V1.0
CMOS Map continued...
Location Description
0Eh CMOS Location for Bad CMOS and Checksum Flags
Bit 7 = Flag for CMOS Lost Power
0 = Power OK
1 = Lost Power
Bit 6 = Flag for CMOS checksum bad
0 = Checksum is valid
1 = Checksum is bad
0Fh Shutdown Code
10h Diskette Drives
Bits 7-4 = Diskette Drive A
0000 = Not installed
0001 = Drive A = 360 kB
0010 = Drive A = 1.2MB
0011 = Drive A = 720 kB
0100 = Drive A = 1.44MB
0101 = Drive A = 2.88MB
Bits 3-0 = Diskette Drive B
0000 = Not installed
0001 = Drive B = 360 kB
0010 = Drive B = 1.2MB
0011 = Drive B = 720 kB
0100 = Drive B = 1.44MB
0101 = Drive B = 2.88MB
11h Reserved
12h Fixed (Hard) Drives
Bits 7-4 = Hard Drive 0, AT Type
0000 = Not installed
0001-1110 = Types 1-14
1111 = Extended drive types 16-44.
See location 19h.
Bits 3-0 = Hard Drive 1, AT Type
0000 = Not installed
0001-1110 = Types 1-14
1111 = Extended drive types 16-44.
See location 2Ah.
13h Reserved
14h Equipment
Bits 7-6 = Number of Diskette Drives
00 = One diskette drive
01 = Two diskette drives
10, 11 = Reserved
Bits 5-4 = Primary Display Type
00 = Adapter with option ROM
01 = CGA in 40 column mode
10 = CGA in 80 column mode
11 = Monochrome
Bits 3-2 = Reserved
Bit 1 = Math Coprocessor Presence
0 = Not installed
1 = Installed
Bit 0 = Bootable Diskette Drive
0 = Not installed
1 = Installed