
2.14 Digital Voice Announcing (DVA)
Digital voice announcing (DVA) plays pre-recorded announcements
and messages during an in-progress call. The DVA stores the
pre-recorded messages in its memory for recall when needed. While
the DVA is not an automatic attendant, it does provide custom-recorded
automated voice prompts and dialing instructions to callers.
You can store the customized messages into the DVA device in one of
two ways: by delivering them from the telephone handset at station 10
or 12 or by playing the contents of a professionally-supplied tape
recording into the DVA memory. (See your system installer for tape
recorder connection details.) The DVA provides up to four unique
messages. The total available message time is two minutes, and you can
divide this time as necessary among the four messages or use the entire
two minutes for one message if needed. Because of the time
constraints, it is a good practice to script your messages ahead of time
so that you can read them aloud in a clear and concise manner as you
store them in the DVA memory [see IMI66–107 (DSU) or IMI66-132
(DSU II) for more information].
In general, the voice prompt messages are of four categories illustrated
in the following examples:
Day answer messages
For DCD callers—"Welcome to Acme’s sales department, all of
our agents are busy. Please stay on the line and an agent will
answer your call as soon as possible."
For DISD callers—“Welcome to Acme Company. If you know
your party’s extension, dial it now; otherwise, stay on the line and
an attendant will answer your call.”
Night answer messages
For DCD callers—“Welcome to Acme’s sales department. Our
hours are eight to four-thirty Monday through Friday. Please call
tomorrow during those hours.”
For DISD callers—"Welcome to Acme Company. Our hours are
eight to four-thirty Monday through Friday. Please call tomorrow
during those hours."
Recall messages
For DCD callers—"Please hold; an agent will be with you as soon
as possible."
For DISD callers—“The party you have called is not available.
Please dial a new extension number.”
For DISD callers to systems that have the Tracker paging system
installed—“The party you have called is not available. Please
dial a new extension number or dial # plus your call-back number
followed by another # to page your party.”
Programming The Attendant Features GCA70–245
2–22 LCD Speakerphone Reference Manual