Clickfree Backup Drive for Macintosh: User Guide Backing up my content
• If you want to make changes to how backup is done, click Options and see “How do
I change how Clickfree does backups
” on page 12
Clickfree displays some windows to show progress:
Backup Summary window shows you how many files in each category were
backed up this time (
New column) and from all backups for this user, including this
one (
Total column). The Space Used column shows the amount of space that files
from all backups take up on the Backup Drive.
When you see the
Backup Summary window, you can browse your backed up files
in a Finder window (see “
Browsing & searching for my files” on page 25, or simply
unplug the
Clickfree Backup Drive and store it in a safe place, or leave it plugged in
and just push the Backup button at any time to perform another backup.
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